Tuesday 8 April 2008

Communicating in the future

I think that email will still exist in the year 2050 but I think it would be a lot better. In the year 2050 it will be very fast to send a message to the other side of the world and will be updated. I think this because the technology is so good now and if you image 42 years on, what technology would be like.

Wednesday 2 April 2008

Who Uses Email?

What kind of people use email? anyone that wants to use electronic mail

The demographic group is parents, parents use this form of communication for work or teenagers use this to communicate with other friends old people would use a letter and put it in the mail

It matters on how big the file is so the smaller file it is the quicker it is and the bigger it is the slower it is to send.

It is very easy to understand the message; it is just like reading from a website.

How do we use email?

The way you can use this form of communication is by using a computer on the internet and going to hotmail.com by clicking on the search box when you are on hotmail make your own account and type what you want and send it to your friends. another good website is my space where you can take a picture of your self and talk to your friends. blog are good for school work emailing where you talk about your work.

Two different types of computer are just a normal computer or an laptop, these can both use email.

A mobile can also email and text message.
By using the numbers on the bottom of the phone.

In the olden days email was not invented, they use letters, this is like electronic letter. email is just like a letter I n the mail but it is on the internet.

Wednesday 19 March 2008

A History of Emailing

An email is just like a letter in the mail just that it is sent by the internet. Emails can be sent from anyone to other people and can be just like msn just it is one long letter that doesn’t take very long to get to another person in a few minutes, which is quicker than sending it in the mail. An email has a symbol that they use to show that it is an email and this symbol is @. Email can only be used by having a computer or laptop or some phones and the internet to send the letter. Email was invented in United States of America in the late 1970’s by Ray Tomilson.